As of November, 2021, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa requires all volunteers to be fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 Virus. Volunteers are required to provide proof of vaccination in order to participate in our programs.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa and Renfrew County. We are thrilled that you recognize the value of youth mentoring and the impact it can have on the life of a child, as we are always looking for like-minded people to get involved and support our cause.
Please review the information above each application to ensure you’re applying to the program best suited to you.

Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/week, evenings and/or weekends, minimum of one year. Children and youth ages 6-24. Virtual options available.
This application is for adults (ages 18+).
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours/week, evenings and/or weekends, minimum of one year
Children ages 6-14
Virtual options available
This application is for adults (ages 18+)
This application is for adults (ages 18+)
To mentor youth ages 15-24 years old.
Time Commitment: 8-10 hours/month, evenings and/or weekends, minimum of two years
Youth ages 15-24
Virtual options available
This application is for adults (ages 18+)
Time Commitment: 1 hour/week during school days/hours, duration of the school year.
Mentor youth ages 6-12
This application is for adults (ages 18+)