Clothing Drives in Your Community

Big Brothers Big Sisters will be hosting Clothes for Kids’ Sake Drives over the Fall and Winter seasons in communities close to you. Apple Clothing Drive Wednesday November 9th, 2016 Landsdowne Park 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Minto Clothing Drive Sunday November...

Be You

Above: Big Sister Rosemary, Little Sister Bethany, Little Sister Sarah and Big Sister Emily posed together after participating in the Justice Fashion Show. Big Brothers Big Sisters raised $595 in donations through the sale t-shirts and bracelets through Be You events....

BBBSO & Giving Tuesday

[su_youtube_advanced url=”” showinfo=”no” rel=”no” https=”yes”]The Impact of In-School Mentoring[/su_youtube_advanced] Many people ask, “Why should I give”? At Big Brothers Big...

BBBSO & Indigo

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa has just launched a new FUNdraiser with Indigo. When you purchase an Indigo gift card online, using the link provided below, Indigo will give 10% of your purchase to BBBSO! This is just one of the many ways that Indigo Canada gives...

YOUth In Office

Over 100 youth will be experiencing a day in an MP’s office and BBBSO is proudly taking part. After all, democracy needs young people, and YOUth In Office offers a glimpse into federal policies. Click HERE to learn about this important initiative, and use...

BBBSO Appoints New Executive Director

BBBSO is pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Ingram as the new Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa. Susan has been part of the team at Big Brothers Big Sister of Ottawa for four years and truly embodies the values of mentoring. Due to the...