For Community Referrals: If you are a community/youth agency or school and would like to learn more about the programs or have a referral, please connect with the Enrolment Coordinator, Julie Darcis, at (613) 247-4776 ext. 320 or [email protected]
Big Possibilities Mentoring Program
All Big Possibilities Mentoring Program Inquiries please complete the inquiry form below, and a staff member will be in touch within 2-3 business days.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Program (For youth 6-14 years old)
The purpose of the inquiry form or phone call is to discuss the motivations for having a Big Brother/Sister and assess suitability for the program.
MPOWER Program (For youth ages 15-24)
All MPOWER Inquiries please complete the inquiry form below, and a staff member will be in touch within 2-3 business days.
PRISM Program
All PRISM Inquiries please complete the inquiry form below, and a staff member will be in touch within 2-3 business days.