In a bustling city like Ottawa, amidst the rush of everyday life, there exists a profound bond between two individuals that is a prime example of the work of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa (BBBSO).
Lindsay, a dedicated mentor, and Ellie, her mentee, have made a connection through BBBSO that goes beyond mere guidance— a friendship that promises to last a lifetime.
Lindsay recounts her initial surprise at how naturally she and Ellie clicked when they first met. “I anticipated enjoying our time together, but I didn’t realize just HOW MUCH I would,” Lindsay reflects. “We have built a great friendship, and I think that has a lot to do with the intentional work that BBBSO puts into making matches.”
Ellie echoes Lindsay’s sentiments, expressing gratitude for the unexpected benefits of their match. “I thought we would maintain a relatively professional relationship,” Ellie shares. “But it’s become more than that. Lindsay is not just a mentor; she’s become a lifelong friend.”
Their journey together has been marked by personal growth and shared experiences. Ellie reflects on the many new adventures Lindsay has introduced her to, from skating in the Gatineau forest trail to trying out salsa dancing. “Lindsay helped me embrace unfamiliar situations,” Ellie says. “And I’ve grown to become a better listener through our interactions.”
For Lindsay, witnessing Ellie’s growth and accomplishments has been immensely rewarding. “Being alongside her as she encounters all these new experiences, especially thriving in university, has been wonderful,” Lindsay beams.
The mentorship has not only contributed to Ellie’s personal growth but has also enhanced her overall sense of well-being and happiness. “Anytime I feel down or just want to talk, I always have Lindsay I can turn to,” Ellie shares. “I feel safe to share anything with her.”
In turn, Lindsay finds joy and inspiration in their relationship. “There’s something very special about friendships that form across different generations,” Lindsay muses. “I get a lot of joy from our relationship.”
However, sustaining matches like Ellie and Lindsay’s involves costs. It’s estimated that maintaining a match like theirs can cost around $1,000 annually. To ensure that BBBSO continues to provide invaluable mentorship opportunities to youth like Ellie and support mentors like Lindsay, the organization actively seeks out funding support from the community.
If you would like to contribute to the work of BBBSO and help foster meaningful connections like Lindsay and Ellie’s, please consider donating today. Your generosity will help empower youth, enrich lives, and build stronger communities. Click below to give a gift and make a difference in the lives of young people like Ellie.
Big News
Building Lifelong Bonds: A Journey with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa