Plan for tomorrow and help us move toward our vision of ensuring that all young people can realize their full potential by remembering Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa in your will or estate plan.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has shifted many of us into thinking about the meaning of own lives and how we can make a difference. We have heard from many donors who are preparing their wills for the very first time. This has led us to partner with Legal Wills where you can receive 30% off any of their online services. Please visit to get started.
To inquire about leaving a gift in your will or if you are an advisor, please read our FAQ section below, or contact:
Erin Helmer | Director of Development
[email protected]
(613) 247 – 4776 ext. 319
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa
1642 Woodroffe Avenue, Suite 12
Ottawa, ON K2G 1W2
Charitable Registration Number: 10679 4431 RR0001
“Our greatest success is in the eyes of young children who flourish in our unique one-to-one mentoring program. As a former Big Brother, I understand that mentoring changes lives and makes futures brighter.

“When I was first matched with Rob, he was a shy 10-year-old. It has been so rewarding to see him gain confidence, to flourish, as a teen and then as a young man and ultimately graduate from University with a Masters in Aerospace Engineering. Rob has great potential and a wonderful future ahead. And I was very proud to have him as part of my wedding party.
“Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa is about building futures and that is why I have decided to leave a bequest in my will to this great organization. It’s very important for me to know that BBBSO will continue to be there for the next generation of children and youth.
“They are, after all, our future.”
~John Ouellette, Alumni BBBSO
There are three ways to continue your legacy through BBBSO’s work:
• Leave a bequest to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa in your will or life insurance.
• Provide a gift of stocks and securities to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa
There are a few ways to leave a gift in your will, the most common being a bequest in your will. If you have a professional helping you write your will, like a financial planner, a lawyer, an accountant, or an insurance agent, you can talk to them about leaving a legacy gift.
A professional can also help explain the tax benefits of making a planned gift.
A gift is a wonderful way to recognize someone who has made a difference in your life. You can also create a named fund, a gift that is arranged through your will the same way you would leave a personal gift from your estate. Be clear the gift is given in memory of a particular person and/or for a specific use.
Whether you want to let us know you’ve left BBBSO a gift is completely up to you! We are happy whenever we hear about your plans to leave a gift of hope.
If you decide to contact us, let us know in advance of your gift, so we can recognize you for your generosity. It also gives us the opportunity to tell you about specific opportunities for giving.